

Full-Stack Machine Learning Engineer

agnoori@calpoly.edu Engineer with a specialization in consumer RAG and LLM applications.


California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

B.S. in Computer Science AI + ML Concentration | September 2021 - June 2024 (1 year early)
Related coursework: Software Engineering, Databases, Operating Systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Applied Linear Models, Systems Programming, Algorithms, Data Structures, Data Science


Smog Websites

Engineer | August 2021 - Current


Technical Mentor | June 2021 - July 2023


Game Theory Optimal Poker Bot (opens in a new tab)

Deep Learning at Cal Poly | Winter 2024

GPT-V Receipt Tracker & Finance Chat Assistant (opens in a new tab)

Team Lead CSC480 AI Course | Fall 2023

Backend Real-Time Inventory Management System (opens in a new tab)

Course Project at Cal Poly CSC365 | October 2023

Parallelized Bitmap Image Processing (opens in a new tab)

Final Project for Cal Poly CSC357 | Spring 2023


Languages: Python, SQL, C, Javascript, Typescript, Next.js, Java
Frameworks: OAuth, DrizzleORM, tRPC, Tailwind, Agile, Next.js, Pandas, NumPy
Software: Git/Github, MySQL, Postgres, OpenAI API, AWS S3, Latex, Photoshop, Excel, Vercel, Cypress
Certifications: Google UI/UX Specialization, Math for Machine Learning, Meta Front-End Developer

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